
A Faceted Search Tool for Seamless Exploratory Search Based on Structured Data and Unstructured Text

RevEx is a tool built to support exploratory search through facet exploration. Differently, of other faceted search RevEx also provides summaries of the data through visualizations helping the user to find interesting documents in the dataset.

Text + Structured Data

RevEx allows exploration of Unstructured Text and Structured Data through facets, RevEx creates Facets for both type of data and consistently provide the same interaction on both types of facets.

Data Type Based

When choosing what graphical representation is appropriate for a given data summary, RevEx maximize simplicity, familiarity, intuitiveness and effectiveness, using visualizations based on charts with proven efficacy and widespread adoption, and visual representations that adapt to the specific field type selected by the end-user.

In this way the facet visualization adapt to the data type of the field being represented on the facet

Use your data

RevEx allows analysts to upload their own data in a local environment allowing for offline information while keeping your data locally

Beta Version Available

We are excited to announce that an improved standalone version of RevEx, with new features and support for local datasets. This version allows you to connect to your dataset. Elasticsearch is already supported and new adapters are on the way.
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Online Demo